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Customs clearance

  • Alnaqel Company provides customs clearance services, which support customs and international trade, in addition to providing digital added value to enable global growth for customers. Alnaqel employs specialized experts in customs around the world to manage the needs of companies by reducing risks, cost, and handling all import and export movements of goods in accordance with the latest regulations and the vision of the Kingdom 2030.
  • Alnaqel creates relationships based on simplification and transparency between customers and customs authorities and works with its customers as a trusted partner with a wide range of compliant customs services in line with the international customs management policy for customer supply chains. Alnaqel has a fundamental approach to customs and international trade solutions, which is to maintain operation and procedures that are compliant and secure to the maximum extent possible. Alnaqel also employs the strongest capabilities and best customs expertise to reduce the complexity of customs clearance procedures for imports and exports.

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